
Moving plants in your garden so they thrive

If you want to move a plant from A to B, then the plant will be happier if you can do it while it's cold as its transpiration process slows down, it needs less moisture and isn’t such a shock when half of its roots suddenly get chopped.

With deciduous trees, you can just dig them straight out of the ground and move them.

With a lot of evergreens, it is advisable to cut the roots on two sides of the plant with a spade, then leave the plant for two weeks and cut the roots on the other two sides. You then let the plant sit there until it gets a few white roots coming through, once they have come through you are pretty safe to lift the plant out of the ground carefully and place it into a new position. Firm the soil around the plant and water it, just to give a bit of readily available moisture. In no time, it will be happy and regrowing as though it was never moved.

Graeme Burton - Landscaper - Rukuhia Homestead, RD2, Ohaupo 3882
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