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Citrus Tahitian Lime - 298

Topiary multi stemmed with character

Grade: 1.50m
Container Size: 45lt

Everyone loves to have a citrus lime tree in their garden – supplying year round fruit, and fragrant white citrus blossom in late spring .

I have trained these specimens to have character main branching which is exposed  for the  the bottom  third of the plant, and then the branching joins into one round head full of fruit –  just like they do in Greece, Italy, South France and Mediterranean regions, repot into a terracotta citrus pot and you have the most perfect patio specimen you could wish for, providing useful fruit and looking stunning at the same time !! the key to being successful is feeding 3x per year to keep in optimum condition !!

Graeme Burton - Landscaper - Rukuhia Homestead, RD2, Ohaupo 3882
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